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The importance to have an organized schedule when you want to learn something

Actualizado: 13 sept 2019

When you want to start to study a language like English, the first thing that you have to do it's to organize your schedule.

It's really easy to organize your learning schedule, you have to break down the different subjects by practicing or studying into times or spaces, then you must organize these with your daily time available, the idea is that not fail to do it

An effective routine of English would be

- 30 mm speaking

- 30 mm reading

- 1-hour listening

- 10 mm writing

Total: 2,10 mm, so you'll have to divide this time and organize it into your available daily time.

You always have to accomplish with this like restriction!! so you have to create an amazing strategy to be able to reach all. if cannot do it someday, you should spread it on other days

It's not only to English, whatever thing that you want to do, you always must have an organized schedule.

for more information:

Popular people that use an organized schedule.

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